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Who are the SVHS Band Boosters?


We are the families who support the Band and Color Guard and make all of the extra events happen.  We are the volunteers, chaperones, fundraisers, equipment haulers and cheerleaders for every single member of our Ranger Band and Color Guard.  Being involved in the Boosters is a great opportunity to get involved in your student’s band activities and to keep up with the latest information for Band and Color Guard.  Monthly meetings are held at 6:30pm in the Band Hall, on the first Thursday of every month (excluding June, July, December & January).  Read here for more info!


Make sure to join us on Facebook at SVHS Ranger Band Parents!





Interested in volunteering?  Complete this Interest Form! 



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Meet the '24-'25 Booster Officers


Rochelle McClanahan

Hello and welcome to the Smithson Valley Ranger Band!  I have been a band mom since 2018, and was Treasurer for 5 of those 6 years.  My oldest Ranger graduated in 2022 and continues to play the Tenor Sax for the Texas A&M Symphonic Winds concert band.  My youngest Ranger is a Junior, plays the Alto Sax, and is also one of this year's Drum Majors.  


As parents of Ranger Band members, you have the opportunity to volunteer your time, skills, and talent with the Boosters, so I encourage you to join any committee(s) of interest.  We have plenty to choose from, as it takes a lot of dedicated parents to keep our Mighty Ranger Band moving!


Being involved in the Boosters has truly enriched my experience as a band parent, so I invite all of you to jump in, volunteer as much or as little as you can, and enjoy watching your child grow and thrive as members of this amazing band community.




Angela Lee

My name is Angela Lee. I have been an active member of SVHS Band Boosters since 2021 when my son entered as a freshman. I started out eagerly helping wherever needed. From 2022-24 I chaired Feed the Band Committee. In 2023 I  served as Assistant Treasurer. This year as a Senior Mom, I look forward to serving as 1st Vice President. Rangers We Will Be!!

Vice President



Debbie Trepany

Hello!  This is my third year with the Mighty Ranger Band Boosters!  I have volunteered wherever help is needed, including Pit Crew, Chaperones, Band Nurse, Secretary, and Spirit Wear/Merchandise sales.  I enjoy getting to know new people and helping this organization any way I can.  I am excited for another fun and successful year for the SVHS Ranger Band.  It has been amazing watching these kids learn and grow, and we look forward to sharing this with you!

2nd Vice President



Josie Madden

My name is Josie Madden and I am looking forward to serving as your Secretary this year. I have been involved in the Band Boosters since 2022, gradually taking on more responsibilities with Feed the Band and being a Chaperone.  My.son, Justin, is a Junior and plays the trumpet. We love marching band season and have a blast going to competitions and games together. I am also responsible for Spirit Baskets, which are given to the opposing team's Band Boosters at the football games.


Outside of Band commitments, I have two other children and I am a part-time substitute teacher. I am excited to take on this new role and can't wait to get to know you!  





Vicki Winters

My name is Vicki Winters. This will be my third year in the band boosters and I’m currently serving my first term as board treasurer. My son, Declan, will play snare on our drumline for his junior year at Smithson Valley. In marching seasons past, he’s played second bass and in front ensemble, and LOVES being in percussion (as my lack of hearing will attest to). 


My husband (Danny) and I both enjoy volunteering with the band as often as possible with Pit Crew, Feed the Band, Chaperones, etc. I also co-chair the Uniforms committee.


On top of my mom/band duties, we own a small business where I work as the bookkeeper in addition to navigating our college era with our eldest son, Tyler. 



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Dennis Sneed


Assistant Treasurer


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(830) 885-1000

This website is maintained by the Smithson Valley High School Band independently from Smithson Valley High School or the Comal Independent School District. Neither Smithson Valley High School nor Comal ISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of links external to it.

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